One of the biggest killers is procrastination. Procrastination is a fear response. Fear of trying to lose weight and failing. Fear of gaining then losing then gaining, etc.... Fear of taking action.
Let's take a real deep, hard-hitting look at the repercussions of not taking action. There will probably be more than one issue in the video that will describe where you are...physically and emotionally.
Take decisive action now! Love who you see in the mirror again. have the energy to play with your kids. Re-spark your love life. Build your confidence. I can help you out and my Body & Mind Bootcamp Intensive is a proven method of success.
Email me at and put "I do" in the subject line. I'll get back in touch with you to set up a quick 10 minute clarity call and assess where you are, what's working and what's not, and where you want to be. Don't wait any longer. Take decisive action now.